


arkhḗ –  remembrar el sentido acuático del futuro




Arkhḗ: remembrar el sentido acuático del futuro


Acto 1.


un cuerpo inmenso de agua

a la deriva

sin destino claro


algunos seres devienen dobles

o triples,

se presentan en distintos cuerpos

misteriosas conexiones


detritus de manifestaciones que exceden lo visible

las fronteras

viajando con el polvo

el viento

entre tiempos


sumergirse en lo intraducible

disolverse en el anonimato

en lo inorgánico

donde cada sonido es un portal y parte del paisaje indócil que deviene por dentro


barcos como estrellas fugaces

flores de sangre

color petroleo

como el fondo del mar


sin saber que se queda y que se deja

el tiempo es un pantano


 Acto 2.


la abuela nos cuenta que devenimos de esponjas marinas llenas de agua de mar

vaiven de aguas cósmicas

desastres cíclicos    

las ánimas guían                                                                                  

                                                ser sustancia gelatinosa

                                                                                           que habita

en la orilla


acariciada por las lágrimas contenedoras de historias épicas


habitando el no tiempo


                                                                 entre espasmos telúricos


               continuidad de células, bacterias y estrellas

                                                   en las pieles se reflejan los planetas  

mapeos lunares de tejido sideral

                                                                                  ser continuidad



en la oscuridad encontrar tranquilidad


regresiones prematuras sincronizan con otras temporalidades fuera de las impuestas


                                                     ¿dónde empieza y dónde acaba?


cantos corales

Acto 3.


una flor sale de mi pecho y se mueve con el viento


     respiración colectiva de la



presentes profundos que explotan en fragmentos


en espiral


nudo en la garganta empuja y abre una grieta

se derraman las lágrimas de tristezas no olvidadas


goteos constantes de aguas indómitas marcan el compás de los días



vivir entre lenguas

entre mundos

sin saber muy bien por qué

llegaron con el mar escapando de las guerras

desde antes de nacer

practicamos el retorno en barcos de papel



Acto 3 a/sincrónicas


siente la acuosidad crustacea mientras florece

algunos cuerpos se sincronizan en el encuentro





    retumba en lo terrestre




       en cada célula                  



lo que se calla, lo que se omite,

se esconde bajo la tierra






en el inframundo                                                                                                                                                                                                           chiasma                                                                                       

grietas por las que se rebosan las aguas

en la abuela, la madre, las ancestras

remembrar para reparar



Acto 4.


hay lunares que dan cuenta de tus ancestras

si unes los puntos

abres la grieta

acua non grata


en la luna llena las flórez escuchan la violetera

las formas cambian

lo cíclico y circular permanece


afuera es sólo un suspiro


                                                                      fuego azul

sueños nublados

                         futuros arácnidos brotan por los



cenizas de pájaro amarillo entre vestigios geológicos

          lagartijas evocan

                                        el olor de la primavera






conjuros menguantes




                                                     el eclipse?

Acto 5.


                                                            olor a piedras del fondo del río



con la primera gota roja se renuevan los contratos cósmicos

portales ancestral con abuelas y madres

                                                                    fuego azul

                                                                    bailes ferales



en la noche

nace una cachorra

la luna se refleja en las aguas al amanecer

una yegua se desboca

color cobre        



brújula oceánica


entre la niebla y las olas

fluctuaciones inefables

sensorialidades intuitivas anticipan la tormenta

particulas emergen como sudor en la epidermis

infra-estructuras resonantes se manifiestan en la molecularidad planetaria


Acto 6.

                                                                      tiempos de siembra


erupciones hilvanadas a través de suspiros

tejidos  c(u)ánticos

                  cada gota impulsa los ritmos de las vibraciones cósmicas


las nubes se desbordan

entre portales

arremeten los vientos

escurren el tiempo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sol negro

honramos los ríos de vida

                                                 y de muerte


                                                              bajo tierra quedan sinuosas

esquirlas de violencias que nunca se olvidan

                                                         en los intersticios y capas de la


                           dentro de una concha


palpitan las sombras


                                                   con la luna nueva descansan las hienas


           ¿recuerdas las risas de las abuelas a media mañana                    

                                                  un canto

                                  un llanto

Acto 7.


                                    terracua subterránea eriza las pestañas



por las vetas se alimentan las grietas

lengua mineral

luna roja

viento húmedo

gota de montaña

bestiario fluvial

conjuros de plantas olvidadas en el intestino del universo



                                                                la supervivencias sónica

                                              que deviene entre espacios-tiempos

                                                                        en nuestro cuerpos

                                                                se derrama entre sueños



confiar en el instinto

las estrías imanentes de las historias que palpitan entre aguas subterraneas

acaricia las puntadas

las liquidificaciones constantemente nos conectan con los estuarios oníricos

retornando a nuestras ancestras

nos tejen milenios de minerales electromagnéticos que gestan en sus fluidos vida y muerte

acua eléctrica

cascada constante de energía psíquica

para remembrar que el flujo es la constante del presente profundo

para remembrar el sentido acuático del futuro




arkhḗ: remembering the aquatic sense of the future

elizabeth gallon Droste & diana droste flórez


Act 1

an immense body of water
with no clear destination

some beings become double
or triple,
appearing in different bodies
mysterious connections

detritus of manifestations beyond the visible
crossing borders
traveling with dust
with the wind
across time

plunge into the untranslatable
dissolve into anonymity
into the inorganic
where each sound is a portal, a part of the untamed landscape that stirs within

boats like shooting stars
blooms of blood
like the ocean's depths
uncertain of what stays and what leaves
time is a swamp


Act 2

grandmother tells us we descend from sea sponges brimming with seawater
cosmic tides ebb and flow
cyclic disasters
animas guide

become a gelatinous being
dwelling on the shore

caressed by tears that cradle epic stories

inhabiting the no-time

among tectonic spasms

continuity of cells, bacteria, and stars
on our skin, planets reflect
lunar maps of stellar threads
to be cosmic continuity

find peace in the darkness

premature regressions sync with other timelines outside the imposed

where does it begin, and where does it end

choral songs


Act 3

a flower emerges from my chest and sways with the wind

the earth's collective breath

deeply present moments explode in fragments


a knot in my throat pushes,

opens a crack
tears spillover

unforgotten griefs

dripping wild waters mark the beat of the days

living between tongues
between worlds
not knowing quite why
they came with the sea, fleeing wars
since before birth
we practice the return on paper boats


Act 3 a/synchronicities

 feel the crustacean moisture as it blooms
some bodies sync in the encounter

echo in the terrestrial

in each cell

what’s silenced, what’s omitted,
hides underground

it pulses

it drips

in the underworld
cracks through which waters overflow
in grandmothers, mothers, the ancestresses
remembering to repair


Act 4

there are moles that speak of your foremothers
if you connect the dots
you open the thresholds
acua non grata

under the full moon,

flowers listen to the violetera
forms change
the cyclic and circular remain

outside, it’s just a breath

blue fire

clouded dreams
spider-like futures seep from the drains

ashes of yellow bird among geological remains
lizards evoke
the scent of spring


waning spells

do you remember the eclipse?


Act 5

the scent of stones from the river’s depths

with the first red drop, cosmic contracts renew
ancestral portals with shewolfs
blue fire
feral dances

at night
a cub is born
the moon reflects on the waters at dawn
a mare runs wild

ocean compass

between the mist and waves
ineffable fluctuations
intuitive sensorialities anticipate the storm
particles emerge like sweat on the skin
resonant infrastructures manifest in planetary molecularity


Act 6

seeding times

eruptions woven through sighs
quantum threads
each drop fuels the rhythms of cosmic vibrations

the clouds overflow
between portals
winds surge
time drips

black sun

we honor the rivers of life
and of death

beneath the earth linger sinuous shards of violences never forgotten
in the interstices and layers of existence
inside a shell

shadows pulse

under the new moon,

the hyenas rest

do you remember the grandmothers’ laughter at mid-morning
a song
a weep


Act 7

terracua underground bristles the lashes

through veins, cracks are nourished
mineral tongue
red moon
damp wind
mountain drop
river bestiary
conjurings of forgotten plants in the universe’s gut

sonic survival
becoming across space-times
in our bodies
spilling through dreams

trust the instinct
immanent streaks of histories pulsing in subterranean waters
caress the stitches
liquidifications constantly link us to dream estuaries
returning to our foremothers
they weave millennia of electromagnetic minerals, gestating in their fluids life and death
electric aqua
constant cascade of psychic energy
to remember that flow is the constant of the deep present
to remember the aquatic sense of the future

woven from the intersticies, unfoldings and afterlives of sounds that traverse us, spiraling from asynchrone and inner caverns, my mother and i drift through murmuring tides, and rivers beneath the rivers, tracing the contours of be-longing, home, and identity. in this flow, waters carry us across worlds and times, stitching and unstitching as they go. stories collide, reshape, and surge like waves—ancestral whispers, moon cycles, and the magnetic currents of continuous bodies from oniric and teluric realms. together, we follow the question where does all begin, and where does all end, and dip into rhythms that reveal roots and routes, the journeys of bodies bound to waters, and the transformations they shape in us.

following a multimodal autoethnographic and collaborative process, based on sensorial realms of intergenerational experiences that traverse us through conversations based on our feelings as women, daughter, mother, the women family experiences in a broader socio-political context, their struggles and fights, our growing and living between tongues and places, we prioritize mediation over representation, as an ongoing act of re-imagination. drawing on sara ahmed’s positioning of emotions as orientations that shape both our past, present and our future, emotions, like water, shape our pathways; they orient us toward certain futures and possibilities, tugging us into relationships of belonging and kinship with our past and present. here, belonging becomes, as bell hooks describes, the ground of our becoming, a dynamic experience that reaches through repertoires. inspired by michael taussig’s call for ethnographic writing acknowledging the “scrapbooks”— those containers where the fragments of the inner and outerworlds encounter and transform, this essay delves within the distortions and mutations that arise when the familiar becomes an “underwater world”. this is what I have been calling the multimodal fieldwork diaries, based on the sensorial and embodied experiences of ethnographic and artisitc re-search.

in this sense, through fragments, non-linear narratives, and multitemporal soundscapes, a sound-visual essay emerges—not merely an essay, but a vessel, confluences of currents, experiences and intergenerational (t)her(e)-stories; a montage that opens thresholds unfolding where remembrances weave together. as a “carrier bag” of stories, in ursula k. le guin’s words, without searching for linearity, without fixing them in place. instead, it offers a space to dwell within these lives, to feel the flow of histories as they shift and reverberate within us. an embodied, living archive—gathers, holds, and carries our collective journey through the intergenerational tides.

echoing astrida neimanis’ bodies of water, our bodies feel porous, viscous and relational, part of the vast aquatic ecology we become within. water, a carrier of memory and futurality, is a force of continuity and disruption, a medium of transformation that connects us through time and space. waters of all kinds encounter: the estuary’s dense tides, where rivers and seas merge and counteract; the amniotic fluids of becoming, of arrival and return. these waters embody memory and the urge to forget, sweeping through porous boundaries. they are sorrow and fury of ancestral women, dissolving and reassembling, a river of ceaseless continuity tugging us toward belonging beyond the self. words as drops, from the dephts of subterranean currents, electromagnetic currents weave us—pulses that carry inwards, knots as nodes that reassamble. immersed in multitemporal cycles, we honor the matrilineal echoes of our bodies, borne on intricate flows. these waters, beyond mere h₂o, carry stories, dense with lives once lived and dissolved, as resonances of intuitions and dreams. submerged encounters are more than memory; we sense futures within unseen tides in which beings and places, through tensions, contractions, affections, spirals, and countercurrents, come back together. in these meandering cycles, we sense, we glimpse, a pulse, a sound, a remembrance of the aquatic sense of the future. we engage in storytelling as an attunement—a means of sensing, remembering, and imagining, to remediate and repeair, a way of re-imagining belonging within the cosmic and planetary mesh, where time is a swamp. this essay is dedicated to my grandmother lola flórez and her sisters.

  • Elizabeth Gallón Droste was born in bogotá and based in berlin. she is an artistic researcher who develops fieldwork-based research by combining different media. her work focuses on the stories told and sung by territo~rivers and the ecosystems they weave, composed of multiple beings, temporalities, materialities, traces, and layers. she is currently part of the artistic research process ~pes, which includes activated listening sessions, participatory actions through hydrophonic tuning, and mimetic acts of reciprocity with bodies of water.